Not long ago we had a birthday dinner as S turned 25. She gathered a group of the most influential women in her life at Ladro to share a meal. There is an extensive menu and they just keep the food coming. Unbelievably we enjoyed nine different types of pizza - all delicious, enticing and total "waddle home" food if like me you tried a slice of every one !!!
vegetarian, gluten free, thin crust, potato and rosemary
proscutto and cheese, olive and tomato, prawn and on and on.
I cannot read the writing on the packet but I love the coffee and hope I can find it again. The blend is cardamon and coffee - two all time favourites of mine. Imagine sipping that together then add the heady aroma as the cup comes to your mouth - it is heaven for me. The coffee was in my swap package from Jerusalem. Maybe I will have to go there and buy up big !!
I have just come home from seeing this movie. What an epic !! I read the book many years ago and wondered then if a movie would ever be made about this inspirational woman. She treks with camels across the Australian desert. Now, I love an adventure but this is way out of my league and comfort zone. I salute you, Robyn Davidson for your incredible achievment.
Yesterday at work I was unexpectedley presented with a lovely botle of French champagne. I had for months been doggedly trying to do something at work and finally succeeded, saving the clinic about $900.00. My hard work paid off and it was greatly appreciated. Often these type of things go unnoticed where I work so this was such a happy surprise.
Last week I received a parcel from a very exotic destination indeed. The post mark is Jerusalem and that is where my swap partner lives. Via contacts from the old Recipezaar I have been involved in a foodie swap. I sent food gifts to Israel and got a fabulous package in return. It included olives, hommous, wafer biscuits, chokkies, hand cream , ground coffee and a gorgeous souvenir teaspoon amongst other great goodies. It made my day !!
The Cocopop turns 6 next week and has always had perfect health but has had two trips to the vet in the last 5 days after having seizures. This has happened on the lead, returning from the park with me, quite out of the blue. Her head is now on a permanent tilt and her balance is a little off and her ball skills are altered as well. The vet has been wonderful but the news is a little ominous, though not definitive. He mentions brain lesions and mini strokes but says these are uncommon in her age group. She has started on prednisolone just in case. So we watch and wait it seems.
I don't do this too often but with both my girls here enjoying a public holiday we had a bit a a carb fest. It was a delicious brunch of pastries, scones, cupcakes and coffee. It was our Labour Day holiday and certainly no labour was done here, just loys of eating and chillaxing {love that word} !!!
And that one is in our family. My youngest daughter had a vaccination prior to her trip to Vietnam. She had Vivaxim which innoculates against Hep A and Typhoid.
Within 8 hours she could not move her arm and she even messaged me in at 2 am saying she had pain on a 7/10 level in her arm. She did go to work but could barely get dressed into her scrubs. She also had overwhelming nausea, almost to the point of fainting. So back she came to the doctor and we were given this amazing statistic and a certificate to have another day off work as she was so unwell. Luckily this reaction should dissapate within a few days but unlucky for her that she should be singled out of a very big crowd for something so unpleasant. The good thing though is she will not get sick in Vietnam and we are thankful that such vaccinations exist for our protection. In the scheme of things a couple of days illness is better than getting either hep A or typhoid which could kill you.
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